You Won’t Hit Your Target Without Arrows

You Won’t Hit Your Target Without Arrows

You Won’t Hit Your Target Without Arrows OK. Today we’re going to get a little spiritual. But bear with me because what I’m sharing is literally gold! Goals are the arrows we fire at targets in life. Motivation is the bow. But not everyone has a functioning bow. Some...
Perception is Nine Tenths of the Law

Perception is Nine Tenths of the Law

Perception is Nine Tenths of the Law It was long held that “possession is nine tenths of the law” but a good friend of mine who’s a publicist recently convinced me otherwise. Sure it’s nice to own stuff, especially property, and that’s where the original saying came...
Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself!

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself!

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself! I often hear people say “I wish I hadn’t…” or “I wish I had done such and such earlier in my life”. These types of comments are negative self-judgments and they don’t serve any positive purpose in your life. The past is the past. It’s...
Let’s Cancel ‘Cancel Culture’

Let’s Cancel ‘Cancel Culture’

Let’s Cancel ‘Cancel Culture’ I don’t often complain, but I feel the need to speak out against this so-called ‘cancel culture’ movement which seems intent on destroying everything from historical landmarks – if not history itself – to careers. Where did it come from?...
Have ‘purpose’ and be happy and vice versa!

Have ‘purpose’ and be happy and vice versa!

Have ‘purpose’ and be happy and vice versa! Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, another famous Italian said; “Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good.” Now as someone who nine...